Gotta breed ‘em all WHAT WE DO AND WHY WE DO IT Everybody likes a peek behind the scenes. Everybody wants to know how the magician fits the rabbit inside their hat. Everybody loves to see what goes on backstage. Here at Insa, we don’t like keeping things close to the chest. We want you […]

Anyone can be a canna-cook CANNABUTTER RECIPE FOR AT-HOME EDIBLES Let me guess. You got some fancy new kitchen equipment for Christmas, and now, your New Year’s resolution is to cook more for yourself and stop ordering take out too much. Yes? Fantastic! Get that air fryer out the box, unwrap that Kitchen Aid, sharpen […]

Inquiring Minds Want to Know FAQ: FRIENDS ANSWERING QUESTIONS Let’s face it. The cannabis world is a big one (yes that’s a good thing). With so many ways to enjoy it, so many varieties to choose from, and so many effects you can feel, it can be overwhelming for those who want to start their […]

INSA HAS TEAMED UP WITH HIGH PLAINS FARM TO BRING YOU SOME OF MASSACHUSETT’S BEST OUTDOOR, SUN-GROWN PRE-ROLLS! High Plains Farm is an independent, family-owned cannabis farm nestled in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains. At Insa we use biodegradable pre-roll tubes, and sustainable cultivation practices — we look for partners with the same eye […]